
Week of Nov 28th

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
November 28, 2022(1 event)

All Day: DECARBONIZATION of the Forest Based Industry - Coimbra

All Day
November 28, 2022

Paris agreements and European Union through its Green deal plan, set targets to reach a climate neutral economy in 2050 by reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 and making it a legally binding commitment.
Forest sector is well positioned and have been one of the frontrunners of decarbonization but recent rising of ambition level and the emerging of new technologies made of the most importance to know what the present status of these technologies is and what is expected towards the future.
Optimization of industrial processes is in fact nothing new, but this was normally driven by companies with economic and/or quality targets in mind (the best product at minimum cost). Now, for the first time, companies start to realize that climate changes may have a tremendous impact on business profitably and company survival. So, it’s not enough to produce at process with optimized conditions, it’s necessary to do it with environmental optimized conditions, because there is a realization that global warming and other environmental impacts on the planet is part of the business equation.
Decarbonization of the production process is one road that has been followed with some success in certain industries, including the Forest based Industry, but new ideas and technologies have emerged in the last years and so, it’s of most importance to know what the present status of these technologies is and what is expected towards the future.

1.    To share the strategic vision of public and private entities on industry decarbonization
2.    To see what commercial technologies are available and applications within the pulp and paper industry
3.    To share best practices of other relevant industry sectors facing the same challenge that forest based industry is dealing with.
4.    To look at emerging decarbonization alternatives that may become leading technologies in short or medium term.

Hotel D. Inês
Rua Abel Dias Urbano, 12,
Coimbra ,
November 29, 2022(1 event)

All Day: ZELLCHEMING Technical Committee Pulp and Paper Testing (DATA)

All Day
November 29, 2022

Dr.-Ing. Heinz Joachim Schaffrath, E-Mail:

Steinbeis Papier
November 30, 2022
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December 2, 2022
December 3, 2022
December 4, 2022